Our weekly music classes resume after the long summer break on Saturday, 14th September, in Anahorish Primary School.
We’ve added a couple of new instruments this term, namely concertina and accordion (button key) and will consider putting on classes in other instruments, subject to demand.
We would ask anyone who would like to sign up for a class, including returning pupils, to fill out the online registration form (link below) before next Wednesday. The form can also be used to express an interest in an instrument we don’t currently offer classes in. This will help us finalise a timetable which will be communicated to pupils a day or two before classes begin. Classes will be from 10:30-11:15 or 11:15-12:00 and fees will be collected on the morning of the first class.
All ages and abilities, including beginners, will be catered for in all of our classes.
The cost of the 12 week autumn term is £50 which includes a discounted membership fee of £5 per child. Additional family members will pay £40 (again including membership fee) while the cost of a second class (in a different instrument) will also be £40. Fees may be paid by cash, cheque or debit/credit card. Other membership options are:
Family – £18
Senior – £11
2nd senior in household – £7
Junior (not attending classes) – £5.50
The registration form can be accessed by clicking here.