Our penultimate class of the spring term will be on Saturday, 21st April. We’re taking a break on 28th April due to the Antrim Fleadh in Rasharkin, which we encourage all our young musicians to visit over the weekend. Our final class will be an end of term session on Saturday, 5th May, in Anahorish where our pupils get to perform in their classes for friends and family. Best of luck to our members who are taking part in both solo and group competitions at the Antrim Fleadh.
Congratulations to all those who competed in recent feis competitions and who did so well in the spring term grade exams in traditional music.
Our final sessions of the season will be held in The Elk on Thursday, 3rd May. The new format of having all three sessions in the Creagh Suite is working well so we’ll be starting with the juniors from 7:30pm-8:15pm, slow session for adults from 8:15pm-9:00pm and senior session from 9:00pm. Two new tunes, Off to California and Fisher’s Hornpipe, have been added to the set list for the slow session and can be downloaded in sheet music and audio formats from our Downloads page.
We’ve received the first batch of Newbridge CCE jackets and half zips and will be submitting an additional order in the near future. Contact any member of the committee if interested in purchasing either.