We’re currently offering classes in tin whistle/flute, fiddle, banjo/mandolin, concertina, harp, bodhran and piano accompaniment. Subject to demand, we may also consider arranging classes in other instruments, so email info@newbridge-cce.com or send a pm on our Facebook page with any suggestions or queries – committee members will also be available to advise at the registration morning. All ages and abilities, including beginners, will be catered for in all of our classes and a small number of instruments may be available to hire. The all-ability classes in concertina and banjo/mandolin will start at 10:30am each week. The bodhran class will be at 11:15am as will the classes for both beginner and improver fiddle. The class timetable for tin whistle/flute and harp/piano accompaniment will be finalised following registration.
The cost of the 12 week autumn term is £45 which includes a discounted membership fee of £5 per child. Additional family members will pay £35 (again including membership fee) while the cost of a second class (in a different instrument) will be £30. Fees may be paid by cash, cheque or debit/credit card. Other membership options are:
Family – £18
Senior – £11
2nd senior in household – £7
Junior (not attending classes) – £5.50