We’re holding a registration/information morning in The Elk on Saturday, 10th September from 10:00-12:00 ahead of our classes which will resume in Anahorish Primary School the following Saturday, 17th September.
The Autumn term will consist of 12 weeks of classes from 17th September until 17th December, with a break for Halloween on 29th October and 5th November.
All-ability classes in concertina and banjo/mandolin will start at 10:30am each week. The bodhran class will be at 11:15am as will the classes for both beginner and improver fiddle. The class timetable for tin whistle/flute and harp/piano accompaniment will be finalised following registration.
Fees for the term are £40 per pupil with additional family members paying £20. Classes in a second instrument (if the timetable permits) will cost £20.
Membership fees can also be paid at registration. The benefits of membership include reduced entry fee to fleadh competitions for juniors and free Treoir magazine (official Comhaltas magazine published three times per year) for senior/family members. Membership fees for the incoming year are:
Junior – £4
Senior – £8
Family – £14